News from the Brexit Cliff Edge
By brexit_cliff_edge - 24th May 2019, 12:00 amWelcome to the Brexit Cliff Edge
Theresa May halts vote on new Brexit deal as her leadership enters its 'death spiral phase'
- The Daily Mail believes Mrs May will meet with Tory backbench chair Sir Graham Brady today and agree an exact timetable for her departure. She is then expected to address the nation from Downing Street to tell the nation why she is leaving 'the job I love' before she has managed to lead Britain out of the EU. She will stay on as PM to host the visit of Donald Trump in early June, and then act as interim leader, during the formal Tory leadership contest, allowing a new leader to be in place before the summer Parliamentary recess
- Theresa May's government has pulled the June Parliamentary Brexit vote
- Cabinet Minister Jeremy Hunt tells May to abandon doomed Brexit bill
- Theresa May's 'day of destiny' arrives after Jeremy Hunt withdraws support for the Brexit bill
- Ian Duncan Smith calls for May's Cabinet to quit if her Brexit Bill is published
- There is still a degree of stubborness driving Theresa may as witnessed by this headline 'Theresa May suggests she will fight on as Sajid Javid tells her he cannot back the current Brexit deal'
-'s Ian Dunt says 'this Prime Minister was destroyed by Brexit and the next one will be too'
ITV's Robert Peston believes Boris Johnson sealed Theresa May's doom
- Johnson has manoeuvred with backbench colleagues to make it impossible for May to have her Brexit plan approved as he has persuaded them there is an escape from the Brexit deadlock that is destroying the Tory party. But not while Mrs May is in No 10. Boris has convinced Tory colleagues he could twist Brussels arm and remove the hated Irish Backstop (which the EU has repeatedly said is non-negotiable). And if that fails, he'd go full steam ahead to a No Deal Brexit with proper preparation
The EU Commission's Jean-Claude Junker suggests the UK is heading for another Brexit extension in October
- Juncker spoke of his admiration for Mrs May and said 'what I don't like in the British debate is it seems more important to replace the PM than it is to find agreement amongst MPs in the Tory Party.' He went on 'this is a woman who knows how to do things but she is unable to succeed in doing so. I like her very much'
Macron wants to avoid Brexit 'polluting the EU' after 31st October
- Macron told Belgian newspaper Le Soir that the EU needed a clear end date to the never ending Brexit saga. He said the UK's on-off membership now posed a serious risk to the EU's future agenda
Senior Irish government figures fear the UK is reverting back towards a No Deal Brexit
- The government's official spokesperson said a British exit on the basis of the already agreed withdrawal agreement was still Dublin's 'central-case scenario.' However, senior figures believe momentum in London has switched back towards a No Deal outcome
Dominic Grieve threatens to quit the Tories to block a No Deal Brexit using everything in his power to do so
- Tory Dominic Grieve told the ITV Peston show that he would quit the party and potentially bring down the government in order to stop a No Deal Brexit, as it was imeasurable damaging to the country.
Boris Johnson: 'irresponsible and dishonest' with his £350m a week pledge during the 2016 Brexit referendum
- In a private prosecution which began Thursday, lawyers made the case that Johnson should be summoned to face accusations of misconduct in public office over his now infamous claim to claw back £350m a week from Brussels for the NHS
Hundreds of EU nationals were denied a vote at the European elections
- Campaigners representing EU nationals said they've received hundreds of complaints from people denied a vote, even though they are on the electoral roll. To be able to vote EU citizens has to additional complet a EC6 or UC1 form to declare they would not cast a second ballot in their home country and submit them to their local council by May 7th
- Councils admitted they had failed to send out EU postal ballots in time
- Legal opinion said denying EU citizens the right to vote was a scandal that we all could see coming. Voters across the country found their names crossed off the electoral register 'due to clerical error by councils' being just one of many symptoms. The view from legal experts was the government may have a case to answer in court over its handling of the European elections
European Elections
- With the ballot boxes sealed until Sunday the result of the European Elections is not assured. But polls and popular wisdom believe the Brexit Party of Nigel Farage look set to secure around 30% of the vote, with the Liberal Democrats in second place. But it all depends on turnout